About me

Welcome to the World Raymond Francis Strong

Our impatient little boy decided he just had to see the world and didn’t want to wait any longer. So here is all the usual stuff everyone wants to know…

Born:                 01Feb2010 1055ET
Weight:             2lb 15oz
Length:              15.5in
Chest:                 9.5in
Head:                  11in
Gestational age: 28weeks 4days
Location:             OR2 at Northside Hospital Atlanta (aka the baby factory)

Since some have already asked who he looks like…

Well it’s a little early to tell but he definitely has Daddy’s build, long arms, fingers and toes and he’s feisty and a restless sleeper like Daddy too.

He has Mommy’s sweet tooth already, he really likes a drop of sugar water every now and then.

They say at this age they shouldn’t be expected to have purposeful movements at all yet, but he definitely moves with purpose when he wants to. One thing he makes sure everyone knows right away is he REALLY doesn’t like a wet diaper!